Abstract realism. Abstrakt realisme.
Abstract Realism
The term "abstract realism" was first time used publicly at an Hans Saele fusionist exhibition in Gallery Episteme, Copenhagen, Denmark, june / july 1999.
The exhibition was called Abstract Realism. The term abstract realism was seen as an oximoron,
The art term abstract realism is often confused with the term abstract expressionism, a style in art that has nothing to do with abstract realism; none of the abstract expressionists called themselves abstract realists.
Some art historians are trying to fake art history by now mixing the the art term abstract expressionist of the1950s with the art term abstract realism.
There is no evidence of use of the art term abstract realism in exhibitions before the Saele exhibition in Copenhagen 1999.
In 1999 there was zero hits on the Internet for the term abstract realism.
In Norwegian: Absrakt Realisme
Første gang betegnelsen "abstrakt realisme" ble brukt i kunstsammenheng eller i det hele tatt, var ved en utstilling med Hans Sæle i København i juni / juli 1999 på Gallery Episteme.
Betegneslen abstrakt realisme/abstract realism hadde null treff på internett i 1999.